Teeth Prepared For Veneers — Professional Tips From a Dental Expert

by | Jun 13, 2023 | | Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Veneers | 0 comments

Do you want to prepare your teeth for veneers perfectly? Do you worry about the process and what it takes? If so, then this blog is here to help! You’ll learn all the details about how teeth are prepared for a successful fitting of veneers. We’ll look at every step of the procedure – from when your dentist begins examining your mouth to when they put in the final finishing touches on that beautiful smile. This comprehensive guide will make sure you have no lingering doubts as we take you through each stage of prepping for dental veneers. So sit back, relax and get ready – let’s dive into preparing for dental vibrancy with teeth prepared for veneers! 


What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dentistry treatment where thin shells, typically made from porcelain, are applied to the front surface of your teeth. They are the right option for people with slightly crooked teeth.

Porcelain veneers are popular as they look exceptionally natural, resist staining, and reflect light like original teeth. Veneers are custom-made to fit each of your teeth and can dramatically transform the size, shape, colour, and alignment of your teeth. 


How Do Dental Veneers Work?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain laminates that cover the surface of teeth. They are a popular cosmetic dentistry solution as they can be used to fix many dental problems, including broken, stained, or misaligned teeth. They work by creating a protective barrier that shields the teeth from damage while enhancing their appearance. Dental veneers mimic natural teeth, and once they’re installed, they’re hard to distinguish from the real thing. 


The Different Types of Dental Veneers

There are two types of veneers made in a dental laboratory – porcelain and composite resin.

expectation getting dentist veneers burwoodPorcelain veneers are a popular choice as they offer a more lifelike appearance and are less likely to stain or chip than composite resin veneers. They are the more expensive option, but they’re more durable and can last up to 25 years with proper care.

Composite resin veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers but are more prone to staining, chipping, and discolouration. They’re the ideal choice for patients looking for a quick and affordable solution with a shorter lifespan of around 5-10 years. 


What Can You Expect After Getting Dental Veneers?

After getting custom porcelain veneers, there may be some mild discomfort, sensitivity, or soreness in the gums and teeth, depending on individual tolerance levels. These symptoms usually subside after a few days, and patients can continue with their daily activities without any restrictions. Patients will need to schedule regular appointments with their cosmetic dentist to ensure that the veneers remain in good condition and to avoid any further dental problems. 


Benefits Of Dental Veneers

There are several reasons why dental veneers might be a good choice for you. They can be used to correct a multitude of issues with teeth, such as slightly crooked teeth.

The cosmetic procedure also offers a massive boost to your confidence and self-esteem by giving you a smile you can be proud of. Dental veneers are even more beneficial for those with busy lives, often requiring only two to three visits to a dentist, with the procedure lasting about 2 weeks in total. 


Are Dental Veneers Right For You?

Dental veneers are suitable for those looking to improve their teeth aesthetically. They’re a quick and effective alternative to traditional orthodontics and whiten your teeth as part of their process.

However, the porcelain veneer procedure is only a suitable treatment for some. Your dentist can provide detailed information about whether dental veneers are ideal for you or if there are alternative cosmetic dental treatments like dental crowns that better suit your needs. 


The Process of Preparing Teeth for Veneers

Porcelain veneers offer a great solution if you’ve been dealing with dental issues like discoloured or unevenly spaced teeth. They’re a popular choice not only for cosmetic reasons but also for protecting damaged teeth.

However, the dental veneer procedure may seem daunting at first. That’s why we’ve put together a section explaining what preparing teeth for dental veneers involves, so you know what to expect before your appointment. 


Step One: Consultation

The initial step in getting porcelain veneers is always consulting your dentist. During this initial appointment, you’ll discuss your goals for your smile and decide what type of dental veneers will be most appropriate.

Your cosmetic dentist will also examine your teeth and determine whether you are the right candidate for the procedure. They may take X-rays, pictures, and impressions of your teeth. Then, you’ll review the plan for preparing your teeth for porcelain or composite veneers. 


Step Two: The Preparation Process

Once your dentist has determined that traditional porcelain veneers are the best option for you, they’ll begin the preparation process. This involves extracting a thin layer of tooth enamel to make room for a porcelain veneer.

Depending on your situation, your dental consultant may use a local anaesthetic to help you avoid sensitivity or discomfort during the procedure. 


Step Three: Making Impressions

After your teeth are prepared, your dental consultant will take an impression of your teeth. These impressions will fabricate the porcelain veneers cemented onto your teeth. In some situations, you may be fitted with temporary veneers until they are ready to be placed. 


Step Four: Follow-up Appointments

Your dentist may recommend that you schedule follow-up appointments to ensure that your porcelain veneers are settling in well. During these appointments, your dentist will check how your teeth and gums adjust to the new veneers.

They may make any necessary adjustments to the porcelain veneers, such as smoothing them out or fine-tuning the fit to ensure they look as natural as possible. 


Understanding the Role of Enamel Removal in Veneer Preparation

Enamel is the strong, protective outer layer of your teeth that can withstand biting, chewing and daily wear and tear. A small amount of tooth enamel is taken from the tooth’s front surface to prepare a tooth to get dental veneers. This process helps the veneer bond better to the tooth and ensures a natural-looking result. Enamel removal is typically done under local anaesthesia so that you feel comfortable during the treatment. 


application veneer procedure stage burwoodHow is enamel removal done?

There are two main ways that enamel can be removed for veneer preparation: using manual tools or a dental drill. Your dentist will carefully assess the thickness of your enamel and your individual needs to determine the best approach for you.

Manual tools for enamel removal include hand instruments and rubber cups. They are used to carefully and precisely remove a small amount of enamel. The dental drill is another common tool used in enamel removal procedures. It removes enamel quickly and efficiently, making it the preferred method for many dentists. 


Is enamel removal painful?

Enamel removal for porcelain veneers procedure is usually well-tolerated and not painful. Local anaesthesia is used to numb the teeth area before the procedure, so you’ll feel comfortable throughout. You may experience slight sensitivity after the removal procedure, but this is normal and generally heals within a few days. 


Why is enamel removal necessary?

Enamel removal is an essential part of successful veneer placement. The veneer must remove a small amount of enamel to bond correctly to the tooth surface, and the result may look like it needs to be clarified. Enamel removal also allows the veneer to sit flush against the tooth, creating a natural-looking and visually appealing effect. 



The Importance of Tooth Impressions for Veneer Preparation

In this blog section, we will highlight the significance of tooth impressions in tooth preparation for veneers


Accurate Measurements

Tooth impressions are necessary for accurate measurements of the teeth that need veneers. The impressions provide a replica of your tooth structure, allowing the dentist to create a custom veneer mould. A perfectly-sized veneer is essential for achieving a uniform and natural look. With accurate measurements, the veneers may fit well and look natural. 



Tooth impressions for veneer preparation also help in customisation. The veneers are manufactured to match your natural teeth’ shape, size, and colour.

This is possible because of the detailed tooth impressions that capture all the necessary details of your teeth. With this information, the dentist may be able to create natural or fit veneers. 


Better Fit

Tooth impressions allow the dentist to create porcelain veneers that perfectly match your teeth. The replica of your teeth provides a visual model for the dentist to work on, allowing for better precision. With a perfectly-fitted veneer, you can be comfortable and confident in your smile. 


Reduced Discomfort

The tooth impressions are taken before the actual tooth preparation process. The impressions capture the shape of your teeth, and the dentist uses them to create a veneer mould that is your teeth’ exact size and shape.

This reduces the need for excessive teeth grinding during preparation, making the process less painful and more comfortable for the patient. 


process preparation dental chair veneer burwoodEase of Replacement

Tooth impressions can be stored and used later if replacement veneers are needed. If your veneer chips or breaks, the dentist can use the stored impressions to create a replacement veneer without taking another impression.

This saves time and discomfort for the patient and ensures that the replacement veneer fits perfectly. 


Temporary Dental Veneers: The Interim Stage

Temporary veneers are made of temporary material designed to replicate your final veneers. They are disposable and are only worn while waiting for your permanent veneers to be fabricated. 

Temporary veneers help you get used to having veneers on your teeth and identify any final changes or adjustments you would like to make before the final veneers are placed. 


Benefits of Temporary Veneers

Temporary veneers serve as a preview of what your final smile will look like. They help you visualise what improvements can be made and what you will look like post-procedure.

They also protect your teeth during the interim period while your final veneers are being made. Furthermore, temporary veneers can act as a diagnostic aid for the dentist to ensure the adjustments and positions for the final veneers are done correctly. 


Preparing for your Post-Interim Stage

Once the interim stage has been accomplished, it’s time to prepare for the post-interim stage, which involves the placement of permanent veneers. During this visit, your dental advisor will extract the temporary veneers and substitute them with the permanent veneers that you had previously chosen.

Your dental advisor will then use a dental adhesive to bond the veneers onto your natural teeth surface securely. Since your permanent veneers are custom-made, you should expect them to fit perfectly and comfortably. 


The Final Stage: Applying the Veneers

In this blog post, we’ll explain the veneer application process, so you can be mentally prepared and feel comfortable on the day of your treatment. 


Checking the Fit

Before the porcelain veneers are permanently attached to your teeth through dental cement, your dentist will carefully inspect the fit of each veneer to ensure they match your surrounding teeth and fit correctly.

If any modifications need to be made, your dentist will make the required changes to ensure a perfect fit. This procedure may take some time, but ensuring a seamless and natural look is important. 


Temporarily Bonding the Veneers

Once your porcelain veneers have passed the inspection, your dentist will temporarily bond them to your teeth. This step lets you and your dentist see how the veneers look and feel inside your mouth.

During this stage, your dentist may take extra time to ensure the colour and fit of each veneer match your natural teeth. 


tooth impressions veneers treatment burwoodPermanent Bonding

Once you and your dental consultant are satisfied with the temporary bonds, the veneer will be permanently bonded to the front of each tooth. The dentist will begin this process by applying a special solution to your teeth, which helps the bonding agent create a strong, permanent hold.

They will then apply the bonding agent and the veneer to your teeth before holding each veneer in place with a specialised light. This process usually takes around an hour for each tooth. 


Checking the Bite

After all the dental veneers have been bonded to your teeth, your dentist will closely check your bite to ensure everything is adjusted correctly.

They may use small strips of special paper or other methods to adjust your bite precisely. It’s important to have a proper bite to ensure your teeth and veneers last a long time. 



After your veneers have been successfully applied, your cosmetic dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to check your progress. They may make minor adjustments if needed and check your oral health. This appointment also lets them ensure you’re adjusting to your new veneers. 


The Benefits and Risks of Getting Veneers

Before you dive into the world of veneers, it’s essential to understand the benefits and risks to decide whether they are right for you. This blog section will highlight the benefits and risks of getting veneers. 


Benefits of Veneers

  • Improve Teeth Appearance: One of the significant benefits of getting veneers is that they improve the appearance of your teeth. Veneers can address discolouration, chips and cracks, and misaligned teeth.
  • Customisable: Veneers are customisable to your unique needs. They are curated to resemble your teeth’ colour, structure, and size so they merge naturally with your smile.
  • Durability: Veneers are durable and can last 10-15 years with proper care. They are also resistant to stains from coffee, tea, and other foods, which can help maintain their appearance.
  • Quick and Painless: The placement of veneers is quick and generally painless. The process takes two to three dental appointments and involves minimal discomfort. 


Risks of Veneers

  • Expensive: One of the significant risks of veneers is that they can be expensive. The veneers cost varies depending on the type of veneer and the number of teeth that need to be treated.
  • Irreversible Procedure: Veneers are an irreversible procedure. To place veneers, your dentist must remove some of your tooth enamel. 
  • Sensitivity: Some people experience increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods following the placement of veneers. This sensitivity may go away over time, but it can be uncomfortable initially.
  • Chipping and Damage: Veneers can chip or crack like natural teeth. Putting too much biting pressure on a veneer or grinding your teeth could damage your veneer. 



To conclude, if you are considering getting veneers, preparing your teeth for the treatment is an essential part of the procedure that must be noticed. The right preparation plays a huge role in how effective and successful your veneers will be in transforming your smile. If you have any concerns about veneers preparation, please contact us at (02) 9051 0600.




Dental Veneers: Benefits, Procedure, Costs, and Results

Preparation Guides: 10 Steps to Maximize Success for Veneers Preparation



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