What Are Dental Veneers? How Long Do They Last?

by | Apr 27, 2023 | | Cosmetic Dentistry | 0 comments

Dental veneers may be the solution if you long for a brighter, more alluring smile but are hesitant to commit to major dental surgery. These slim shells crafted from porcelain or composite material can easily be fitted over your natural teeth. With a vast selection of sizes and shapes, you can quickly customise your desired look in no time! Discover what amazing results dental veneers have done for others – let’s explore today!

How Do Dental Veneers Work? 

Veneers provide an effective solution for anyone who wants to transform their smile with minimal effort and cost. The process begins by having your dentist take impressions of your teeth to be sent to a laboratory where the veneer is custom-made. Once the veneer is ready, it will be bonded onto the surface of your tooth using a specialised adhesive or resin material. Depending on the type of material used, this process may require multiple visits.

Who can benefit from dental veneers?

Veneers can be especially beneficial for individuals in any of the following situations:
Dental Image
    1. Chipped, cracked or worn down teeth.
    1. Gaps between teeth.
    1. Discoloured or stained teeth that do not respond to traditional tooth whitening treatments.
    1. Very small or misshapen teeth.
    1. Unevenly spaced or crooked teeth.
    1. Damaged enamel from acid reflux or other medical conditions.

Advantages of getting dental veneers 

Improved Appearance 

One of the main benefits of getting veneers is that they can significantly improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers are made from porcelain which looks very similar to tooth enamel and is highly resistant to staining from coffee, tea, and smoking. Moreover, they can be custom-made to give you exactly the shape, size, colour, and length you desire for your new smile! Whether you want to correct slight imperfections or completely transform your smile to a brighter and straighter one, dental veneer treatments could be right for you.


Veneers are made from strong materials like porcelain, making them durable enough to last up to 10 years with proper care. That means once your cosmetic dentist applies them, you won’t have to worry about them coming off or needing repairs as often as other treatments. And veneers do not require any special maintenance beyond what you normally do for your teeth. They make an excellent choice for those who want an easy but effective way to improve their smile without putting in extra work each day!

Affordable Alternative To Other Treatment Options 

Dental veneers are often more affordable than other treatment options for correcting any imperfections in your teeth. Plus, you don’t need to worry about extensive treatments or multiple appointments with your dentist – the entire procedure can usually be completed within a few visits. That makes it an ideal option for those who want a quick and cost-effective way to improve the appearance of their smile.

Types of Dental Veneers

You can choose from various dental veneers, including traditional porcelain, composite, and temporary veneers.
    1. Traditional porcelain veneers are incredibly durable and difficult to stain, making them incredibly popular among many patients, but their cost is higher than composite or temporary veneers.
    1. Composite resin veneers also have strength and durability in mind; however, they are more affordable than their traditional counterparts.
    1. Temporary dental veneers are a quick and easy fix when covering minor flaws such as chips or discolouration, although they will need replacing over time according to each individual’s lifestyle.
    1. Lumineers are a popular brand of veneers and typically require little to no tooth preparation; they differ from traditional porcelain.
    1. Removable veneers: also known as snap-on smiles, are a breakthrough in dental care, revolutionising how to improve your smile and confidence. They are customised to fit over your existing teeth like a mouthguard and provide you with an instantly improved, natural-looking smile. The best part is that they’re completely removable, so you can be a great option for anyone who wants the look of perfect teeth without the commitment of bonding or glueing them permanently. Removable veneers can easily be removed, allowing you to return to your regular oral care routine easily.

Different Material Options for Dental Veneers

One of the most crucial decisions when considering veneers is selecting the right material. Your options are typically either porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain is more expensive and tends to withstand staining and chipping better than its composite cousin.
However, a key benefit of composite resin is that it costs less than porcelain and provides a very natural-looking finish. Plus, installation can usually be completed in a single office visit with your dentist, whereas porcelain requires multiple visits. Ultimately, discussing both options with your dentist to get the perfect look for your smile is important.

An Overview of the dental veneers procedure

How do dentists prepare teeth for veneers?

The first step is for your dentist to prepare your tooth or teeth for veneers. That includes removing any existing enamel from the surface of your tooth or teeth so that the veneer can be placed over it. Depending on how extensively chipped or broken your tooth is, this process may involve using a drill to remove some enamel and reshape your tooth to accommodate a veneer. This step is done with great care and precision, ensuring that your new tooth’s shape and size will be balanced with all other teeth in your mouth.

X-Rays and Impressions 

The next step involves taking X-rays and impressions of your existing teeth as a template when creating your custom-made veneer. These X-rays are also used to ensure no underlying issues could create problems down the line (such as decay). Once these X-rays have been taken, impressions are made, which serve as models for creating a perfect fit between your natural teeth and their veneers.

Placement of Veneers  

After completing this step, you must wait while the dental lab fabricates your custom-fit porcelain veneer. That usually takes about two weeks before being ready for placement. Once it’s prepared, you will return to the dentist, where they will place it using dental cement, after which they may need to make minor adjustments before polishing them off for a beautiful finish. These veneers should last up to 10 years or more with proper care!

Aftercare for Dental Veneers

Aftercare for getting veneers is important to maintain longevity and keep them looking good. When you properly care for your veneers, they can last for years. To keep your veneers in their prime condition, here are some helpful tips:

Brush Regularly 

Just like your natural teeth, brushing is necessary when you have veneers. Be sure to brush at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste. That will help keep plaque and food particles from sticking to the enamel, which will help prevent staining or discolouration. Avoid abrasive brushes or toothpaste because they can damage the veneer’s porcelain surface and dull its shine over time.

Floss Daily

Flossing removes plaque buildup between your teeth and near the gum line, where your brush may not be able to reach as easily. Flossing should be done daily as part of your regular oral hygiene routine, regardless of whether you have natural teeth or dental veneers. When flossing around veneers, use gentle motions with waxed floss to avoid irritating or scratching the veneer’s porcelain surface.

Protect Your Veneers

Avoid exposing your dental veneers to hard foods such as ice cubes, nuts, or candies that could chip or crack them if bitten directly over time. Also, avoid using them as tools—for example, to open packages or bottles—as this can cause permanent damage that cannot be fixed by brushing or flossing alone.

Avoid Bad Habits 

Another key part of properly caring for your veneers is avoiding bad habits such as smoking or biting down on hard objects like fingernails. These habits can put undue stress on your teeth and damage the bond between the veneer and the underlying tooth structure. You should also avoid excessively sugary or acidic foods, as these can cause wear on the enamel of natural teeth and veneers.

Long-term maintenance plan for veneers 

Professional dental care is strongly recommended to keep veneers in their best condition and ensure they last for many years. A long-term maintenance plan should include regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and biannual dental X-rays to monitor the health of your veneers and the underlying foundation of your teeth. Lastly, using a protective nightguard when grinding or clenching your teeth can help protect them from damage or breakage. By adhering to these steps, you can have the assurance that your investment in gorgeous veneers will pay off.

Are you curious about the expense of dental veneers?

It’s important to understand the cost of veneers and what factors affect that cost. Let’s explore some of the crucial elements that decide the expense of dental veneers.

Number of Veneers Needed

The number and size of the veneers you need will significantly affect the total cost. People may opt for a single veneer to restore their broken or chipped tooth, but many more choose between six and eight to craft an even, balanced smile.

Type of Material 

Another factor affecting the price is the material used for your porcelain veneers. Standard porcelain is more affordable than other materials, such as zirconia or e-max porcelain, which have a higher cost due to their durability and strength. If you want a longer-lasting solution, these materials may be worth considering when it comes to cost versus quality.

Location & Provider

The location where you get your dental work done will also affect the overall cost of your treatment. Dentists in larger cities charge higher prices for their services, while smaller towns may offer lower rates due to less competition in those areas. Additionally, dentists have different overhead costs associated with their practice, affecting pricing.


How long do dental veneers last? Porcelain veneers typically last between 5-15 years, while Composite veneers last about 5-7 years. Proper oral hygiene is the key to a longer lifespan for your veneers and avoiding habits that can potentially damage them. Are veneers painful? Most people experience some little discomfort when getting veneers. During a dental veneer procedure, the dentist numbs the area with local anaesthesia before removing a portion of the enamel from your tooth. As long as you follow your dentist’s instructions for aftercare, any residual soreness or sensitivity should diminish quickly. Are veneers permanent?  No, while veneers are durable and long-lasting, they are not permanent. They can still become chipped or cracked due to trauma or poor oral hygiene. Can anyone get dental veneers? Dental veneers are a wise choice for people with good oral health who desire to improve the look of their smile. But before committing, it is imperative you share your objectives and expectations with your dentist to determine if they are the ideal solution.


All in all, dental veneers are a great way of enhancing the appearance of your smile without having to go through complex and expensive treatments. Made from porcelain or composite material, they can be custom-made to fit over the top layer of your teeth while making you look radiantly beautiful! With the help of these veneers, you can transform your smile in as little as one or two visits with your dentist. Porcelain and composite veneers offer different benefits, so It is essential to consult your dentist to discover which type of treatment is best suited for you. Choose Dental 266 for your dental veneers and experience our advanced technology and years of expertise in the industry. Book your consultation today; Call us at 02 9051 0600 References:  References link #1 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/23522-dental-veneers References link #2 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dental-veneers References link #3 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/veneers

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