Composite veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment. They are thin, custom-made, tooth-coloured shells bonded onto your teeth’ surface. Composite veneers are made to enhance the appearance of teeth, improve their shape, and address any discolouration. Compared to other dental treatments like porcelain veneers, composite veneers require less tooth removal and are more affordable. This article will provide all the information you need about composite veneers’ cost, benefits, and longevity. 


Process of Getting Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made from a composite resin material that is tooth-coloured, durable, and affordable. The treated tooth surface is first cleaned, and then the resin material is applied to it. The material is then sculpted into the desired shape and cured using a special light. Finally, the veneer is polished to create a natural-looking finish. 


Benefits of Composite Veneers

pros cons veneer composite material burwoodComposite veneers are a good option for anyone who wants to enhance their smile. They are perfect for patients with discoloured teeth, chipped teeth, or broken teeth. Composite veneers can also address minor orthodontic issues like slight gaps between teeth. They are quick treatments that can be completed in a single visit to the dental clinic.

Composite veneers require minimal tooth preparation and are less invasive than other dental treatments. They are a great option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their teeth without undergoing major dental procedures. To maintain the appearance of the veneers, patients should maintain good oral hygiene practices, avoid excessive coffee or wine consumption, and schedule regular dental check-ups. 


How Long Do Composite Veneers Last For?

Composite veneers last for about 5 to 7 years with proper care. This means that they are less durable than porcelain veneers. However, they are a great option for affordable and non-invasive cosmetic treatment patients. Composite veneers can also be easily replaced or repaired in case of damage. 


Factors that Affect the Cost of Composite Veneers

Depending on several factors, the composite veneer cost can start from $400 per tooth. Composite veneers are typically less expensive than porcelain veneers, costing about $800 per tooth. 


Dentist’s Expertise and Location

One factor affecting the cost of composite veneers is the dentist’s expertise and location. Skilled cosmetic dentists may have higher fees compared to general dentists. A dentist’s experience and expertise may also reflect the results of your veneers. In addition, the location of the dental clinic also plays a critical role in the cost of the veneers. Veneers may cost more in areas with a higher cost of living or prime locations. 



The materials used in the composite veneers can also affect the cost. Composite veneers are typically made of tooth-coloured resin material or plastic. They are less expensive compared to porcelain veneers but less durable. Porcelain veneers are more expensive but may last longer and resist staining. The quality of the materials also matters. Higher-quality materials may cost more, but the results may be better in the long run. 


The Severity of Dental Problems

The severity of your dental problems can also affect the cost of composite veneers. Veneers are suitable for fixing minor cosmetic dental issues such as discoloured teeth or tooth surface irregularities. You may need other treatment options if your dental problems are more severe. The extent of the dental makeover plan will influence the overall cost. 


Treatment Plan

The treatment plan for composite veneers can also affect the cost. The cost of veneers will depend on the number of teeth you plan to treat. The cost may be lower if you only plan to treat a few teeth. However, the cost will be higher if you want to have a complete smile makeover with veneers. The treatment plan may also include teeth whitening for composite veneers and dental or composite bonding. 



Average Cost of Composite Veneers


Cost Comparison With Other Types of Veneers

Composite veneers are more affordable than porcelain veneers, which require additional lab work and a highly skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist to install them. Composite veneers, on the other hand, can be created by a skilled cosmetic dentist directly on-site within a few hours. 


Potential Additional Costs

When considering the cost of composite veneers, it is important to note that additional costs may be associated with the procedure, such as follow-up appointments and insurance coverage. Composite veneers may last up to seven years, and some insurance plans may cover part or all of the cost of the procedure. However, you must check with your insurance company if they cover dental veneers. 


Pros and Cons of Choosing Composite Veneers


Advantages of Choosing Composite Veneers



Composite veneers are the less expensive option when compared to porcelain veneers. This is because manufacturing porcelain veneers requires expensive equipment and takes longer to produce. 


Less Invasive

Composite veneers tend to be less invasive than porcelain veneers, as they require minimal tooth preparation. This is because they are made from a composite resin material, which can bond easily to the tooth’s surface without the need to remove a significant amount of tooth structure. 



Composite veneers can be used to fix a range of cosmetic dental problems, including chips, cracks, and gaps. They can also be shaped and sculpted to suit the patient’s needs, which means a more personalised approach can be taken. 


Possible Disadvantages of Choosing Composite Veneers



Composite veneers are less strong and long-lasting than porcelain veneers. They are also more prone to chipping and staining over time, which can be problematic for patients who want a long-term solution. 


Questions to Ask Your Dentist 


procedure treatment veneers dentist burwoodHow Many Appointments Are Required?

One of the first things you should ask your dentist is how many appointments are required for your composite veneer treatment. In general, composite veneers require only one appointment, as the resin material is easily moulded onto your teeth. This means your dentist can apply the veneers to your teeth in a single visit, and you won’t need to return for a follow-up appointment.

However, if the treatment is more complex, you may need to visit your dentist more than once. 


What is the Expected Lifespan of Composite Veneers?

Another important question for your dentist is how long your composite veneers will last. Composite veneers are less durable than porcelain veneers but can last several years if properly cared for. Your composite veneers should last for around five years, depending on your diet and oral hygiene routine. Your dentist will be able to give you a more accurate estimate based on your particular circumstances. 


Will There Be Any Ongoing Maintenance Required?

It’s important to ask your dentist about the maintenance required for your composite veneers. While composite veneers do not require as much maintenance as other veneers, you may still need to take some precautions to ensure longevity. For example, you may need to avoid eating hard or sticky foods that could damage the veneers. Additionally, you may need to visit your dentist for regular cleanings to keep the veneers looking their best. 



Composite veneers are a popular and affordable cosmetic dental treatment that can enhance the appearance of teeth. They are made using tooth-coloured resin material and are a great option for patients with minor dental issues like discoloured teeth or chips. Despite being less durable than porcelain veneers, composite veneers are a good option for anyone looking for a quick cosmetic dental solution. The cost of composite veneers differs depending on several factors, like the dental clinic’s location and the cosmetic dentist’s expertise. So, to enhance your smile, consider composite veneers a great cosmetic dental treatment option. Contact us today on (02) 9051 0600 to schedule your first appointment! 





Smile makeover with direct composite veneers 

Direct composite veneers – an aesthetic alternative 



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at the leading dental practitioner in Burwood

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