Who doesn’t want an amazing smile? We all do, but sometimes we may need a little help to achieve it. Dental crowns can give you the dazzling smile, that you long for and it’s good to know that it’s easier than you may think. The tooth crown procedure can be completed in just 2 dental visits and the results can be long-lasting. 

A dental crown is permanently cemented onto a natural tooth, covering the whole of the visible portion from the top to the gum line. It’s commonly used to:

  • Cover a chipped or damaged tooth 
  • Strengthen a tooth left weakened following a root canal
  • Improve the alignment of the teeth

What are dental crowns exactly?

Crowns are a restorative option for people who have damaged teeth. They’re also known as caps and are custom made to fit snugly over the affected tooth to restore strength, appearance, and functionality. 

At Dental 266, we regularly recommend dental crowns to protect and straighten teeth that can’t be fixed with a filling or any other dental treatment. 

Porcelain crowns are a popular choice with patients because they can be crafted from dental porcelain that has been matched to the shade of your natural teeth, This means that they blend seamlessly into your smile. Not only do they provide strength and protection, but they also make your smile look more aesthetically pleasing. 

The tooth crown procedure – What’s involved?

The dental crown procedure is classed as a cosmetic procedure and like all of our cosmetic treatments, starts with a consultation. 

treatment tooth crown procedure burwood

During this appointment, our dentist will examine your teeth and gums to assess the damage. Dental crowns are considered an effective treatment for fractured or broken teeth, large fillings, decayed teeth, fractured fillings and root-filled teeth as well as for cosmetic enhancements. A radiograph or bite-wing x-ray may also be used to examine, diagnose and ensure a precise fit of a dental crown. 

The images will be examined several times to examine your teeth before a decision to use a crown is recommended as well as several times during the dental crown procedure to ensure your crowns fit properly, feel comfortable, and allow you to bite and chew normally. 

Does the tooth crown procedure hurt? 

Not with an experienced dentist who has placed many dental crowns and porcelain crowns with success. Here’s what to expect during your 2 dental visits. 

The first visit 

You will be given local anaesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding gum tissue both while your teeth are being prepared for the crown and when the crowns are applied. 

Using a hand piece or drill, the dentist reduces the size of the teeth in all directions to accommodate the crown. The amount removed is minimal although it depends on the type of dental crown being used. If, on the other hand, a tooth is missing a large part of its structure due to decay, filling material will be used to build it up so it can support the crown. 

Once the teeth have been prepared, paste or putty is used to make an impression of the teeth to receive the crowns. Sometimes this is carried out with a digital scanner. Impressions are taken above and below the teeth to make sure your bite remains even when the crowns are placed. 

What happens next?

The impressions or scans are sent to the dental lab that will be making your custom dental crowns and will usually be returned to the dental clinic in 2 or 3 weeks. During this first visit, and if you’re having a porcelain crown, a shade of porcelain closest to the neighbouring teeth will be selected. A temporary crown will also be fitted to protect your prepared tooth while the crown is being made. 

Once the appointment is over, you may experience some sensitivity in the gums and around the temporary crown. 

The second visit

During this visit, your ‘temporaries’ will be removed and our dentist will check the fit and the colour of the custom crowns. You may feel what patients describe as a ‘slight pinch’ during this part of the tooth crown procedure, but a local anaesthetic and topical numbing creams will be used to ease any discomfort. 

Once your permanent crowns have been placed, your mouth may feel sore and you may need to switch to a soft food diet for a while but any pain should subside within two or three days. 

Different types of dental crowns

There are several types of crowns to choose from including porcelain, ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and gold or metal alloys. Porcelain crowns tend to be the most popular and are ideal for front teeth or any teeth that are visible in your smile line. 

While porcelain crowns are very durable and should last for several years, they will at some point need to be replaced. There’s also the possibility that like natural teeth, your dental crowns could chip and this will necessitate a visit to our dentist for crown repair or a replacement. 

Ready to perfect your smile?

If you would like to learn more about dental crowns and whether they could benefit you, then why not schedule a consultation with our experienced dental team at Dental 266 by calling us at 02 9051 0600. You can trust our experienced dentists to do a wonderful job of restoring any damaged or misshapen teeth to give you a dazzling smile you’ll love to show off.

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